Welcome to lfd’s documentation!

Linear Feature Detector (LFD) library is a collection of packages that enable users to detect and analyze linear features on astronomical images. The code was designed to be run interactively, or at scale on a cluster.

LFD is a more complete version of LFDS that contains all of the never-published features of LFDS. Except for the linear feature detection code in the detecttrails module, most of the LFDS code was recoded from scratch and made compatible with Python 3 and OpenCv 3.0.

While most of the code is flexible enough to be appropriated for use with various different data sources it’s primarily intended to be used to analyize SDSS images on a Sun Grid Engine (SGE) cluster for the purpose of detecting meteor streaks. For more details on its application in this area of astronomy refer to:

Bektesevic & Vinkovic, 2017, MNRAS, 1612.04748, Linear Feature Detection Algorithm for Astronomical Surveys - I. Algorithm description

Some of the previoulsy unreleased features include GUI interfaces to the PBS job creation module, a package for colation and analysis of results, a image browser designed to speed up the verification of results, a package for calculating and predicting the expected cross section of defocused trails and other common case plotting and analysis tools are provided.


  • Python 3+
  • OpenCv 3+
  • fitsio 0.9+
  • numpy
  • SqlAlchemy
  • Astropy

Erin Sheldon’s SDSS utilities come bundled with the provided code.

Indices and tables