
lfd.analysis.profiles.consts.FWHM2SIGMA = 2.436

Conversion factor between FWHM and sqrt(variance).

lfd.analysis.profiles.consts.HEIGHTS = [80.0, 100.0, 120.0, 150.0]

Commonly used heights (throughout the paper).

lfd.analysis.profiles.consts.LSST = (4180.0, 2558.0)

The dimensions, in milimeters, of the primary and secondary LSST mirrors.

lfd.analysis.profiles.consts.LSSTSEEING = 0.67

Estimated expected value of LSST seeing.

lfd.analysis.profiles.consts.RAD2ARCSEC = 206264.806247

Conversion from radians to arcseconds.

lfd.analysis.profiles.consts.RS = [0.1, 0.5, 5, 10]

Commonly used radii, in meters (in the paper).

lfd.analysis.profiles.consts.SDSS = (1250.0, 585.0)

The dimensions, in milimeters, of the primary and secondary SDSS mirrors.

lfd.analysis.profiles.consts.SDSSSEEING = 1.43

Measured median value of SDSS seeing.

lfd.analysis.profiles.consts.SEEINGS = [0.67, 1.3455, 1.48, 1.6353]

Upper and lower values for seeing for both SDSS and LSST.