

Create PNG image files containing figures 4 to 27 as they appeared in the:

Bektesevic & Vinkovic et. al. 2017 (arxiv: 1707.07223)

paper at a given location.

Parameters:path (str) – Optional. Path to location in which images will be stored. Defaults to current directory.

Effects of seeing on the observed intensity profile of a point source located 100km from the imaging instrument. Line types represent results based on different seeing values (as shown in the legend). The profile’s inner structure (a dip in the middle) is reduced or completely lost as the seeing worsens. SDSS is more affected because it has a smaller telescope aperture than LSST. The overall effect is similar even for much smaller distances to the meteor (see also Fig. 23, 24 and 26).

Parameters:h (int or float) – Distance to the meteor head from the observer in kilometers. By default a 100km to match the figures in the paper.
  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes) – Axes containing the plot.

Effects of distance on the observed intensity profile of a point source for a constant seeing (1.48′′for SDSS and 0.67′′for LSST). Line types represent results based on different meteordistances (as shown in the legend). The image shows how smaller distances emphasize the central dip in the profile, until it reaches its extreme value (such as here for LSST) set by the equation (7) dictated by the inner and outer radius of the primary mirror (see also Fig. 23, 24 and 26).

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes) – Axes containing the plot.
lfd.analysis.plotting.paperplots.figure6(h=100, rs=(0.1, 4, 8), instrument=(4180.0, 2558.0), seeingfwhm=0.67)[source]

Three cases of meteors with heta_D << heta_O, heta_D pprox heta_O and hetaD >> heta_O (see equations 6 and 8) illustrated for the LSST telescope at 100km distance and the seeing of 0.67′′. Meteors are modeled as disks with a uniform surface brightness and the radii of 0.1m, 4m and 8m, respectively. The solid line shows how the meteor track looks like when the telescope is focused on the meteor without any seeing, while the dashed line shows what we actually see under defocusing and seeing. For a small disk diameter the defocused profile corresponds to that of a point source. As the meteor diameter approaches the inner diameter of the LSSTs primary mirror, the defocusing profile starts to lose its dip in the middle.

  • h (int or float) – Distance to the meteor head in kilometers. By default 100km.
  • rs (list or tuple) – Radii of the meteor heads in meters. By default [0.1, 4, 8]
  • instrument (list or tuple) – Radii of the inner and outter mirror diameters of the instrument in meters. By default set to profiles.LSST
  • seeingfwhm (int or float) – Seeing FWHM in arcseconds. By default profiles.LSSTSEEING.

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes) – Axes containing the plot.


Two cases of uniform brightness disk meteors with theta_D approx theta_O (R_meteor=1m) and thetaD >> theta_O (R_meteor=4m) illustrated for the SDSS telescope at various distances (different linetypes) and the seeing of 1.48′′. This seeing transforms a point source into an object similar to theta_D in size, which results in a defocused image with a negligible central drop in the brightness profile. The distinguishing element for a disk observed with SDSS is the very wide peak when the disk is similar in size to the telescope primary mirror and a growing FWHM as the disk becomes much larger than the mirror (compare with fig. 4). Small disk diameter are comparable to point source plots in Fig. 5.

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes) – Axes containing the plot.


The function calls on figure78 with the following parameters:
rs : (1, 4)
instrument : `profiles.SDSS`
seeingfwhm : `profiles.SDSSSEEING`
xlims : [(-6, 6), (-11, 11)]
xticks : [range(-30, 30, 6), range(-30, 30, 2)]

Two cases of uniform brightness disk meteors with theta_D approx theta_O (R_meteor=4m) and hetaD >> heta_O (R_meteor=8m) illustrated for the LSST telescope at various distances (different linetypes) and the seeing of 0.67′′. Since the seeing FWHM is much smaller than the apparent angular size heta_D of the disk in the sky, the brightness profiles are dominated by the defocusing effect. Small disk diameter are comparable to point source plots in Fig. 5.

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes) – Axes containing the plot.


The function calls on figure78 with the following parameters:
rs : (4, 8)
instrument : profiles.LSST
seeingfwhm : profiles.LSSTSEEING
xlims : [(-18, 18), (-25, 25)]
xticks : [range(-30, 30, 6), range(-30, 30, 10)]

Three cases of the fiducial 3D meteor model rotatedby 90, 60 and 0 degrees, observed with the SDSS telescope from different distances (line types as shown in the legend) under the seeing FWHM of 1.48”.

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes) – Axes containing the plot.


The function calls on figures1011 with the following parameters:
seeingfwhm : profiles.SDSSSEEING
instrument : profiles.SDSS
xlims : [(-7.5, 7.5)]
xticks : [range (-25, 26, 5)]

Three cases of the fiducial 3D meteor model rotatedby 90, 60 and 0 degrees, observed with the LSST telescope from different distances (line types as shown in the legend) under the seeing FWHM of 1.48”.

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes) – Axes containing the plot.


The function calls on figures1011 with the following parameters:
seeingfwhm : profiles.LSSTSEEING
instrument : profiles.LSST
xlims : [(-7.5, 7.5)]
xticks : [range (-25, 26, 5)]

A fiducial model of ionized meteor trail evolution as seen by SDSS at 100km distance. The top panel is the trail brightness as seen by the telescope without seeing. Different lines show the trail evolution with the peak brightness evolving as exp(t/tau), with tau=1s, starting from t=0s, while the total emitted light remains the same (i.e. the surface under the curves remains constant). The middle panel shows those profiles convolved with seeing of 1.48’’ and defocusing. The bottom panel is the total time integrated trail brightness profile that would actually be observed. This final curve should be added to the meteor head brightness profile in order to reconstruct the overall meteor track seen in the image. All panels have the maximum brightness scaled to one for clarity.

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes) – Axes containing the plot.


The function calls figures1213 with the following values:
tau : 1s
h : 100km
seeingfwhm : profiles.SDSSSEEING
instrument : profiles.SDSS
xlims : [(-8.5, 8.5)]
xticks : [range(-20, 20, 2)]
txtpos : [(2, 0.8), (2, 0.8), (2, 0.8)]
n : 10
duration : 2s

A fiducial model of ionized meteor trail evolution as seen by LSST at 100km distance. The top panel is the trail brightness as seen by the telescope without seeing. Different lines show the trail evolution with the peak brightness evolving as exp(t/tau), with tau=1s, starting from t=0s, while the total emitted light remains the same (i.e. the surface under the curves remains constant). The middle panel shows those profiles convolved with seeing of 0.67’’ and defocusing. The bottom panel is the total time integrated trail brightness profile that would actually be observed. This final curve should be added to the meteor head brightness profile in order to reconstruct the overall meteor track seen in the image. All panels have the maximum brightness scaled to one for clarity. Compared to SDSS (figure 12), the defocus effect is much stronger due to a larger telescope aperture and now even meteor trails can have a central dip in the brightness profile.

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes) – Axes containing the plot.


The function calls figures1213 with the following values:
tau : 1s
h : 100km
seeingfwhm : profiles.LSSTSEEING
instrument : profiles.LSST
xlims : [(-15, 15)]
xticks : [range(-20, 20, 2)]
txtpos : [(2, 0.8), (-5, 0.28), (2, 0.8)]
n : 10
duration : 2s

A fiducial model of ionized meteor trail evolution as seen by SDSS at 100km distance with trail drift, due to atmospheric winds, included. The top panel is the trail brightness as seen without seeing. Different lines show the trail temporal and spatial evolution with the peak brightness evolving as exp(t/tau), with tau=1s, starting from t=0s, while the total emitted light remains the same (i.e. the surface under the curves remains constant). The trail drift motion is modeled from left to right with each step shifting the profile by 486 steps. The vertical dashed line shows the initial position of the meteor trail. The middle panel shows those profiles convolved with seeing of 1.37’’ and defocusing. The bottom panel is the total integrated trail brightness profile that would actually be observed. This final curve should be added to the meteor head brightness profile in order to reconstruct the overall meteor track seen in the image.

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes) – Axes containing the plot.


The function calls figures1415 with the following values:
tau : 1s
h : 100km
seeingfwhm : profiles.SDSSSEEING
instrument : profiles.SDSS
xlims : [(-4.5, 12.5)]
xticks : [range(-20, 20, 2)]
txtpos : [(6, 0.6), (6, 0.06), (6, 0.6)]
n : 10
duration : 2s
nsteps : 486

A fiducial model of ionized meteor trail evolution as seen by LSST at 100km distance with trail drift, due to atmospheric winds, included. The top panel is the trail brightness as seen without seeing. Different lines show the trail temporal and spatial evolution with the peak brightness evolving as exp(t/tau), with tau=1s, starting from t=0s, while the total emitted light remains the same (i.e. the surface under the curves remains constant). The trail drift motion is modeled from left to right with each step shifting the profile by 486 steps. The vertical dashed line shows the initial position of the meteor trail. The middle panel shows those profiles convolved with seeing of 0.67’’ and defocusing. The bottom panel is the total integrated trail brightness profile that would actually be observed. This final curve should be added to the meteor head brightness profile in order to reconstruct the overall meteor track seen in the image.


The function calls figures1415 with the following values: tau : 1s h : 100km seeingfwhm : profiles.LSSTSEEING instrument : profiles.LSST xlims : [(-10.5, 17.5)] xticks : [range(-20, 20, 5)] txtpos : [(9, 0.6), (9, 0.06), (9, 0.6)] n : 10 duration : 2s nsteps : 486

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes) – Axes containing the plot.

An example of the observed meteor track (solid line) at 100 km distance as it would appear in an image from the SDSS telescope obtained as a sum of two contributions: from a defocused meteor (dashed line) contributing 80% of the peak brightness and from a defocused meteor trail (dotted line) contributing 20%of the peak brightness. This example illustrate how the meteor trail deforms the pure meteor head brightness profile by deforming dominantly one side of the defocused two-peak meteor head profile.

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes) – Axes containing the plot.


The function calls figures1617 with the following values:
tau : 1s
h : 100km
seeingfwhm : profiles.SDSSSEEING
instrument : profiles.SDSS
xlims : [(-5.5, 10.5)]
xticks : [range(-20, 20, 2)]
n : 10
duration : 2s
nsteps : 486
loc : ‘upper right’

An example of the observed meteor track (solid line) at 100 km distance as it would appear in an image from the LSST telescope obtained as a sum of two contributions: from a defocused meteor (dashed line) contributing 80% of the peak brightness and from a defocused meteor trail (dotted line) contributing 20%of the peak brightness. In this case the trail’s main disruption to the meteor head brightness is in reducing the depth of the central brightness dip, while the profile asymmetryis not very prominent.

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.Axes) – Axes containing the plot.


The function calls figures1617 with the following values:
tau : 1s
h : 100km
seeingfwhm : profiles.LSSTSEEING
instrument : profiles.LSST
xlims : [(-11.5, 14.5)]
xticks : [range(-20, 20, 5)]
n : 10
duration : 2s
nsteps : 486
loc : ‘upper right’

Plot of the observed FWHM (color scale and contours) as a function of distance and seeing for SDSS in three cases (from the top to bottom): point source, a uniform disk of R_meteor=0.9m (~R_mirror) and a uniform disk of R_meteor=3m (>> R_mirror). The right axis shows the defocussing FWHM for distances indicated on the left axis. This is the convolution of source profile with defocusing only. The dashed line represents FWHM for which the seeing is identical to the defocussing at agiven height. Points above the dashed line are dominated by the seeing FWHM, while defocusing dominates points below the line.

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • axes (list or tuple) – List of all the main matplotlib.pyplot.Axes in the figure.
  • twinaxes (list) – List of matplotlib.pyplot.Axes. If secydat data is given any created secondary axes are returned in this list. Otherwise it’s empty.
  • cbaxes (list) – List of matplotlib.pyplot.Axes containing all the axes that contain colorbars.

Plot of the observed FWHM (color scale and contours) as a function of distance and seeing for LSST in three cases (from the top to bottom): point source, a uniform disk of R_meteor=4m (~R_mirror) and a uniform disk of R_meteor=8m (>> R_mirror). The right axis shows the defocussing FWHM for distances indicated on the left axis. This is the convolution of source profile with defocusing only. The dashed line represents FWHM for which the seeing is identical to the defocussing at agiven height. The observed FWHM is almost completely dominated by the defocusing effect for the range of distances and seeing shown in these panels.

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • axes (list or tuple) – List of all the main matplotlib.pyplot.Axes in the figure.
  • twinaxes (list) – List of matplotlib.pyplot.Axes. If secydat data is given any created secondary axes are returned in this list. Otherwise it’s empty.
  • cbaxes (list) – List of matplotlib.pyplot.Axes containing all the axes that contain colorbars.

The observed FWHM (color scale and contours) as afunction of a uniform brightness disk radius and meteor distance to the telescope. The top panel is for the case of SDSS (the seeing FWHM fixed to 1.48′′) and the bottom is for LSST (seeing is 0.67′′).

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • axes (list or tuple) – List of all the main matplotlib.pyplot.Axes in the figure.
  • twinaxes (list) – List of matplotlib.pyplot.Axes. If secydat data is given any created secondary axes are returned in this list. Otherwise it’s empty.
  • cbaxes (list) – List of matplotlib.pyplot.Axes containing all the axes that contain colorbars.

The strength of the central dip for a point source in the observed image profile measured as the intensity loss (colorscale and contours) relative to the maximum brightness value im the profile (see e.g. Figs.4 and 5). The panels show how the intensity loss depends on seeing and distance from the meteor in SDSS (top panel) and LSST (bottom panel). The right axis shows the defocusing FWHM for distances indicated on the left axis. These are FWHM of the convolution profile of source profile and defocusing effects only.

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • axes (list or tuple) – List of all the main matplotlib.pyplot.Axes in the figure.
  • twinaxes (list) – List of matplotlib.pyplot.Axes. If secydat data is given any created secondary axes are returned in this list. Otherwise it’s empty.
  • cbaxes (list) – List of matplotlib.pyplot.Axes containing all the axes that contain colorbars.

The strength of the central dip for a disk source in the observed image profile measured as the intensity loss (colorscale and contours) relative to the maximum brightness value im the profile (see e.g. Figs.4 and 5). The horizontal axis shows the meteor head radius. The seeing is set to 1.48′′for SDSS (top panel) and 0.67′′for LSST (bottom panel).

  • fig (matplotlib.pyplot.Figure) – Figure containing the plot.
  • axes (list or tuple) – List of all the main matplotlib.pyplot.Axes in the figure.
  • twinaxes (list) – List of matplotlib.pyplot.Axes. If secydat data is given any created secondary axes are returned in this list. Otherwise it’s empty.
  • cbaxes (list) – List of matplotlib.pyplot.Axes containing all the axes that contain colorbars.