Source code for lfd.results.utils

"""Contains various utilities that expand and suplement the results module
functionality and make it easier to work with.

from contextlib import contextmanager
import sqlalchemy

__all__ = ["from_file", "create_test_sample", "session_scope", "pprint",
           "deep_expunge", "deep_expunge_all"]

[docs]def deep_expunge(item, session): """For a given item, expunges all first order sql relationships from given session. Parameters ---------- item : object any OO mapped sqlalchemy ORM object to be expunged completely (Event, Frame etc..) session : sql.Session() active session from which we want to expunge the item from """ insp = sqlalchemy.inspect(item) relationships = insp.mapper.relationships.keys() for relative in relationships: session.expunge(getattr(item, relative)) session.expunge(item)
[docs]def deep_expunge_all(items, session): """For a given list of items, expunges all first order sql relationships from given session. Parameters ---------- items : list(object) or tuple(object) set of OO mapped sqlalchemy ORM object to be expunged completely (Event, Frame etc..) session : sql.Session() active session from which we want to expunge the items from """ for item in items: deep_expunge(item, session)
[docs]@contextmanager def session_scope(): """Provide a transactional scope around a series of operations.""" from . import Session if Session is None: raise sqlalchemy.exc.InterfaceError("Not connected to a database," +\ "Session does not exist", 0, 0) session = Session() try: yield session session.commit() except: session.rollback() raise finally: session.close()
[docs]def create_test_sample(): """Creates a test sample of mock Events for testing, demonstration and learning purposes. """ from . import Frame, Event, BasicTime, LineTime # First we create the Frames we want so that we can link them to Events. tmp = list() tmp.append(Frame(run=1, camcol=3, filter='i', field=1, crpix1=1, crpix2=1, crval1=1, crval2=1, cd11=1, cd12=1, cd21=1, cd22=1, t=4412911074.78) ) tmp.append(Frame(run=1, camcol=5, filter='r', field=1, crpix1=1, crpix2=1, crval1=1, crval2=1, cd11=1, cd12=1, cd21=1, cd22=1, t=4412911084.78) ) tmp.append(Frame(run=3, camcol=4, filter='i', field=1, crpix1=1, crpix2=1, crval1=1, crval2=1, cd11=1, cd12=1, cd21=1, cd22=1, t=4412911074.78) ) # Then we create Events, link them with created frames tmp2 = list() tmp2.append(Event(x1=1, y1=1, x2=2, y2=2, frame=tmp[0])) tmp2.append(Event(x1=2, y1=2, x2=3, y2=3, frame=tmp[1])) tmp2.append(Event(x1=3, y1=3, x2=4, y2=4, frame=tmp[2])) tmp2.append(Event(x1=4, y1=4, x2=5, y2=5, frame=tmp[1])) # Only at the end when we are completely done do we make a transaction to # the DB. It is enough to add only the second list (of events) as the # cascade relationship to frames will make sure they are persisted too. with session_scope() as session: session.add_all(tmp2) session.commit()
def __pprintEvents(events, short=True, digits=2): """Prints a list of events as a string in a table-like format. The default layout when short is True is given by: run camcol filter field time x1 y1 x2 y2 if short is false, the long table format is printed: run camcol filter field time x1 y1 x2 y2 cx1 cy1 cx2 cy2 The param 'digits' selects the number of significant digits the coordinates are rounded to. Set to 2 by default. """ headerf = ("{0:<4}{1:<7}{2:<7}{3:<5}{4:>12}{5:>17}{6:>10}{7:>8}{8:>8}" "{9:>5}{10:>5}{11:>5}{12:>5}") rowf = ("{0:<6}{1:<3}{2:>6}{3:>7}{4:>25}{5:>9.{d}f}{6:>9.{d}f}{7:>9.{d}f}" "{8:>9.{d}f}{9:>10.{d}f}{10:>10.{d}f}{11:>10.{d}f}{12:>10.{d}f}") if short: headerf = headerf[:-27] rowf = rowf[:-51] header = headerf.format("run", "camcol", "filter", "field", "time", "x1", "y1", "x2", "y2", "cx1", "cy1", "cx2", "cy2") print(header) for e in events: print(rowf.format(, e.camcol, e.filter, e.field, e.frame.t.iso, e.x1, e.y1, e.x2, e.y2, e.cx1, e.cy1, e.cx2, e.cy2, d=digits)) def __pprintFrames(frames): headerf = ("{0:<4}{1:<7}{2:<7}{3:<5}{4:>12}") header = headerf.format("run", "camcol", "filter", "field", "time") print(header) rowf = ("{0:<6}{1:<3}{2:>6}{3:>7}{4:>25}") for f in frames: print(rowf.format(, f.camcol, f.filter, f.field, f.t.iso))
[docs]def pprint(objlist, *args, **kwargs): """Pretty-prints a list of Frame or Event objects in a table-like format. Parameters ---------- short : bool True by default. The shortened format corresponds to:: run camcol filter field time x1 y1 x2 y2 if short is false, the long table format is printed:: run camcol filter field time x1 y1 x2 y2 cx1 cy1 cx2 cy2 digits : int 2 by default. Controls the number of printed significant digits, """ if not isinstance(objlist, list): raise ValueError("Can only pretty-print lists of Events and Frames.") from lfd.results import Frame, Event if isinstance(objlist[0], Event): __pprintEvents(objlist, *args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(objlist[0], Frame): __pprintFrames(objlist, *args, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(("Type not recognized. Expected Frame or Event, got " "{} instead").format(type(objlist[0])))
def parse_result_row(string): """Parse a single row of a space separated CSV file formatted to the output standard of detecttrails package (see detecttrails package for details) and returns a dictionary with the column names as keys. """ s = string.split(" ") parsed = dict() parsed["run"] = int(s[0]) parsed["camcol"]= int(s[1]) parsed["filter"]= str(s[2]) parsed["field"] = int(s[3]) parsed["tai"] = float(s[4]) parsed["crpix1"]= float(s[5]) parsed["crpix2"]= float(s[6]) parsed["crval1"]= float(s[7]) parsed["crval2"]= float(s[8]) parsed["cd11"] = float(s[9]) parsed["cd12"] = float(s[10]) parsed["cd21"] = float(s[11]) parsed["cd22"] = float(s[12]) parsed["x1"] = float(s[13]) parsed["y1"] = float(s[14]) parsed["x2"] = float(s[15]) parsed["y2"] = float(s[16]) return parsed
[docs]def from_file(path): """Read a detecttrails formatted CSV file into a database.""" from . import Frame, Event, BasicTime, LineTime frames, events = [], [] with open(path) as File: for line in File.readlines(): r = parse_result_row(line) frames.append(Frame(r["run"], r["camcol"], r["filter"], r["field"], r["crpix1"], r["crpix2"], r["crval1"], r["crval2"], r["cd11"], r["cd12"], r["cd21"], r["cd22"], r["tai"])) events.append(Event(frames[-1], r["x1"], r["y1"], r["x2"], r["y2"])) with session_scope() as session: session.add_all(events) session.commit()