Source code for lfd.gui.imagechecker.utils

import os.path as path
import glob

import lfd.results as res
from lfd.gui.imagechecker import imagedb

[docs]def frameId2Filename(run, camcol, filter, field, type=".png"): """Translates between frame identifiers and SDSS style filename of the:: frame-{filter}-{run:06d}-{camcol}-{field:04}.fits.{type} format, where type represents the .png, .jpg or other extensions. Parameters ----------- run : int run identifier camcol : int camcol identifier filter : str string identifier field : int field identifier type : str file extension (.png, .jpeg etc...) """ if not all([run, camcol, filter, field]): return None filename = "frame-{filter}-{run:06d}-{camcol}-{field:04}.fits.{type}" filename = filename.format(run=run, camcol=camcol, filter=filter, field=field, type=self.imgtype) return os.path.join(self.imgdir, filename)
[docs]def filename2frameId(filename): """From an SDSS style filename of the:: frame-{filter}-{run:06d}-{camcol}-{field:04}.fits.{type} format extracts frame identifiers (run, camcol, filter, field). Parameters ----------- filename : str just the filename, no prepended path """ parts = filename.split("-") run = int(parts[2]) camcol = int(parts[3]) filter = parts[1] field = int(parts[-1].split(".")[0]) return run, camcol, filter, field
[docs]def filepath2frameId(filepath): """From a filepath extracts SDSS frame identifiers. Filepath must be of the followng format:: /path/to/frame-{filter}-{run:06d}-{camcol}-{field:04}.fits.{type} Parameters ----------- filepath : str path-like string """ return filename2frameId(filepath.split("/")[-1])
[docs]def eventId2FrameId(eventid): """Returns frame identifiers (run, camcol, filter, field) for an Event identified by given event id. Parameters ----------- eventid : int unique Event identifier """ with res.session_scope() as session: ev = session.query(res.Event).filter_by(id=eventid).one() run, camcol, filter, field =, ev.camcol, ev.filter, ev.field return run, camcol, filter, field
[docs]def eventId2Filename(eventid, type=".png"): """From an event id constructs a SDSS styled filename via frameId2Filename function. Parameters ----------- eventid : int unique Event identifier type : str file extension (.png, .jpeg etc...) """ run, camcol, filter, field = self.eventId2FrameId(eventid) return self.frameId2Filename(run, camcol, filter, field, type)
[docs]def create_imageDB(filenamestr, saveURI, echo=False): """Finds all paths to matching files given by filenamestr, extracts their frame identifiers and stores them in a database given by saveURI. Examples -------- Filenamestr can contain wildcards, f.e.: >>> create_imageDB("/path/to/dir_containing_subdirs/*/*.png", "sqlite:///foo.db") will find all /path/to/dir/subdirs/frame-run-camcol-filter-frame.png styled filenames and add their frame identifiers and paths to foo DB. Parameters ----------- filenamestr : str wildcarded string that will be used to match all desired image files saveURI : str URI containing type and location of the images database """ imagedb.connect2db(saveURI, echo) files = glob.glob(rootdir) images = [] for filepath in files: run, camcol, filter, field = filepath2frameId(filepath) images.append(imagedb.Image(run, camcol, filter, field, filepath)) with imagedb.session_scope() as session: session.add_all(images) session.commit()