Source code for lfd.gui.imagechecker.databrowser

"""Data Browsers are classes that maintain index consistency between two
Indexers and provide the functionality required to browse two indexers
simultaneously. Since the source databases for results and images could be
completely disjointed this means one of the Indexers is designated as a primary
indexer. Browsing follows primary indexer while the secondary indexer is
queried for the corresponding item.

import os

from lfd.gui.imagechecker.indexers import ImageIndexer, EventIndexer
from lfd.gui.imagechecker.imagedb import session_scope

[docs]class GenericBrowser(type): """GenericBrowser metaclass offers the ability to rename the values of attributes being browsed through into something more appropriate. In the case of an EventBrowser for example that would be:: primary --> Event secondary --> Images and the other way around for ImageBrowser. This is completely superfluous and here more because I wanted to tr something out than out of any real neccessity. """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): if len(bases) > 0 and "rename" in attrs.keys(): for old, new in attrs["rename"].items(): attrs[new] = bases[0].__dict__[old] return super(GenericBrowser, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
[docs]class Browser(metaclass=GenericBrowser): """Browser is the generic abstraction of a browser that iterates over the pairs of (primary, secondary) items. Given objects capable of itemizing, i.e. indexing, the primary and secondary items Browser will ensure the consistency of the browsing index between the two indexers. For example, if we wanted to browse to the next value of primary indexer the following actions are performed: 1) invokes the next method of the primary indexer 2) identifies that item 3) invokes the get method of the secondary indexer. This is neccessary since the sets of items indexed by primary and secondary can be completely disjoint. The attributes and methods of this class are mainly private or hidden. By inheriting this class and declaring a dictionary class attribute "rename" on that class it is possible to rename the methods of this class into something more appropriate such as assigning the name 'images' to '_primary' when dealing with ImageBrowser class etc. Parameters ---------- primaryIndexer : lfd.gui.imagechecker.Indexer the primary Indexer (EventIndexer or ImageIndexer) secondaryIndexer : lfd.gui.imagechecker.Indexer the secondary Indexer """ def __init__(self, primaryIndexer=None, secondaryIndexer=None): """Identify primary and secondary indexer classes. To instantiate the actual indexers one of the _initPrimary or _initSecondary methods has to be called. """ self.primaryIndexer = None if primaryIndexer is None else primaryIndexer self.secondaryIndexer = None if secondaryIndexer is None else secondaryIndexer self.__primary = None self.__secondary = None def _initPrimary(self, URI): """Instantiate the primary indexer.""" self.__primary = self.primaryIndexer(URI) run = camcol = self.__primary.item.camcol filter = self.__primary.item.filter field = self.__primary.item.field if self.__secondary is not None: self.__secondary.get(run, camcol, filter, field) def _initSecondary(self, URI): """Instantiate the secondary indexer.""" self.__secondary = self.secondaryIndexer(URI) run = camcol = self.__primary.item.camcol filter = self.__primary.item.filter field = self.__primary.item.field self.__secondary.get(run, camcol, filter, field)
[docs] def getNext(self): """Advance the index of the primary by a step and then find if the secondary contains the newly selected object. """ if self.__primary is not None: tmp = self._primary.item #images.image self.__secondary.get(, camcol=tmp.camcol, filter=tmp.filter, field=tmp.field)
[docs] def getPrevious(self): """Regress the index of the primary by a step and then find if the secondary contains the newly selected object. """ if self.__primary is not None: self.__primary.previous() tmp = self._primary.item self.__secondary.get(, camcol=tmp.camcol, filter=tmp.filter, field=tmp.field)
[docs] def get(self, run, camcol, filter, field, which=0): """Given frame specifiers (run, camcol, filter, field) select and advance both indexers to the item if possible. Relationship from primary to secondary indexer can be many to one, so providing 'which' allows selection on a particular secondary of interest. """ self.__primary.get(run=run, camcol=camcol, filter=filter, field=field, which=which) self.__secondary.get(run=run, camcol=camcol, filter=filter, field=field)
@property def _primary(self): """The items indexed by the primary indexer.""" return self.__primary @property def _secondary(self): """The items indexed by the secondary indexer.""" return self.__secondary @property def _pitem(self): """The item, of the primary indexer, pointed to by the current index.""" return self.__primary.item @property def _sitem(self): """The item, of the secondary indexer, pointed to by the current index.""" return self.__secondary.item
[docs]class EventBrowser(Browser): """A Browser which primary set of items to browse through are Events. For each Event indexed it will attempt to find a corresponding image. This Browser guarantees that all Events will be Browsed, but not all indexed images will be browsed through. Parameters ---------- resdbURI : str URI of the database of Events (i.e. results) imgdbURI : str URI of the database of Images """ rename = {"_primary":"events", "_secondary":"images", "_pitem":"event", "_sitem":"image", "_initPrimary":"initEvents", "_initSecondary":"initImages"} def __init__(self, resdbURI=None, imgdbURI=None): super().__init__(primaryIndexer=EventIndexer, secondaryIndexer=ImageIndexer) if resdbURI is not None: self.initEvents(resdbURI) if imgdbURI is not None: self.initImages(imgdbURI)
[docs]class ImageBrowser(Browser): """A Browser which primary set of items to browse through are Images. For each Image indexed it will attempt to find a corresponding Event. This Browser guarantees that all Images will be browsed, but not all indexed events will be browsed through. Parameters ---------- resdbURI : str URI of the database of Events (i.e. results) imgdbURI : str URI of the database of Images """ rename = {"_primary":"images", "_secondary":"events", "_pitem":"image", "_sitem":"event", "_initPrimary":"initImages", "_initSecondary":"initEvents"} def __init__(self, resdbURI=None, imgdbURI=None): super().__init__(primaryIndexer=ImageIndexer, secondaryIndexer=EventIndexer) if imgdbURI is not None: self.initImages(imgdbURI) if resdbURI is not None: self.initEvents(resdbURI)