Source code for lfd.detecttrails.removestars

"""Removestars module contains all the required functionality to read a catalog
source and blot out objects in the image. Currently only SDSS photoObj files
are supported as a catalog source. Old code supporting CSV catalog sources was
left as an example how its relatively simple to add a different catalog source.


import os
import csv
import math

import numpy as np
import fitsio

from .sdss import astrom
from .sdss import files

__all__ = ["read_photoObj", "remove_stars"]

def CSV_read(path_to_CAS):
    """ .. deprecated:: 1.0
    Defines a function that reads CSV file given by path into a list of
    dictionaries. Function is deprecated in favor of photoObjRead.

    Returned list is arranged as
        {[ra:, dec:, u:, g:, r:, i:, z:],

    labels=['ra', 'de', 'u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z']
    read = csv.DictReader(open(path_to_CAS), labels,
                          delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
    lines = list()
    for line in read:
    return lines

def remove_stars_CSV(img, _run, _camcol, _filter, _field):
    """.. deprecated:: 1.0
    Function that removes all stars found in coordinates file from a given
    image. Requires the use of edited sdssFileTypes.par located in
    detect_trails/sdss/share. Function was deprecated in favor of RemoveStars.

    Coord = CSVRead(files.filename('CSVCoord', run=_run,
                                          camcol=_camcol, field=_field))
    Coord = Coord[1:]
    conv = astrom.Astrom(run=_run, camcol=_camcol)

    for star in Coord:
            if (float(star[_filter])<23):
                ra = float(star['ra'])
                de = float(star['de'])
                xy = conv.eq2pix(_field, _filter, ra, de)
                x, y=xy[0], xy[1]
                img[x-30:x+30, y-30:y+30].fill(0.0)
        except ValueError as err:
    return img

[docs]def read_photoObj(path_to_photoOBJ): """Function that reads photoObj headers and returns following lists: Returns ------- row : list(dict) y coordinate of an object on the image. Each entry is a dictionary where keys are the filter designations and values the coordinates col : list(dict) x coordinate of an object on the image. Each entry is a dictionary where keys are the filter designations and values the coordinates psfMag : list(dict) Each entry is a dictionary where keys are the filter designations and values the magnitudes. See: nObserve : list(int) Number of times that object was imaged by SDSS. objctype : list(int) SDSS type identifier, see petro90 : list(dict) This is the radius, in arcsec, from the center of the object that contains 90% of its Petrosian flux. Each entry is a dictionary where keys are the filter designations and values the radii. See: and Parameters ---------- path_to_photoOBJ : str string type system path to a photoObj*.fits file """ header1, header2 =, header="True") #variable names are lowercase fits field names, optionally an "s" is added #at the end to mark a collection of another data set (dictionary/list) objctype = header1['OBJC_TYPE'] types = header1['TYPE'] rows = header1['ROWC'] cols = header1['COLC'] petro90s = header1['PETROTH90'] psfMags = header1['PSFMAG'] nObserve = header1["NOBSERVE"] nDetect = header1["NDETECT"] #names of fits field names with an f at the end signalizing "final" #these are the lists that get returned rowf = list() colf = list() petro90f = list() psfMagf = list() for i in range (0, len(rows)): #names are current object data structures, singular to mark 1 object row = rows[i] rowf.append({'u':math.ceil(row[0]), 'g':math.ceil(row[1]), 'r':math.ceil(row[2]), 'i':math.ceil(row[3]), 'z':math.ceil(row[4])}) col = cols[i] colf.append({'u':math.ceil(col[0]), 'g':math.ceil(col[1]), 'r':math.ceil(col[2]), 'i':math.ceil(col[3]), 'z':math.ceil(col[4])}) psfMag = psfMags[i] psfMagf.append({'u':math.ceil(psfMag[0]), 'g':math.ceil(psfMag[1]), 'r':math.ceil(psfMag[2]), 'i':math.ceil(psfMag[3]), 'z':math.ceil(psfMag[4])}) petro90 = petro90s[i] petro90f.append({'u':math.ceil(petro90[0]), 'g':math.ceil(petro90[1]), 'r':math.ceil(petro90[2]), 'i':math.ceil(petro90[3]), 'z':math.ceil(petro90[4])}) return rowf, colf, psfMagf, petro90f, objctype, types, nObserve, nDetect
def fill(array, tuple_val): """.. deprecated:: 1.0 Used to colorize the image for debugging purposes. """ if np.shape(array)[-1] != len(tuple_val): raise ValueError("Tuple len is not the same as array element len") for i in range(len(array)): for j in range(len(array[i])): array[i,j] = tuple_val return array
[docs]def remove_stars(img, _run, _camcol, _filter, _field, defaultxy, filter_caps, maxxy, pixscale, magcount, maxmagdiff, debug): """Removes all stars found in coordinate file from a given image by "blottings" out black squares at objects coordinats. Size of the square is, if possible, determined according to its petrosian magnitude. The square is up/down-scaled by a scaling factor converting the object size from arcsec to pixel size. If the calculated radius is less than zero or bigger than maximal allowed size, a default square size is used. Aditionally to determining size of the blocked out square, function tries to discriminate actual sources from false ones. Squares will only be drawn: * if there is a valid psfMag value. * for those psfMag values that are under a certain user-set cap. * if differences in measured magnitudes of all filters are less maxmagdiff in more than or equal to magcount filters. F.e. for maxmagdiff=5 magcount=3 | won't pass: [2,8,8,8,8], [2,2,8,8,8], [1,1,7,8,9] | will pass: [5,6,7,8,9], [3,6,7,8,9], [3,3,7,8,9] Idea is that psfMag values that contain only "opposite" extreme values (very bright/very dim) are most likely a false detection, they exist in one of the filters but not in any others. Such objects are not removed. Parameters ---------- img : np.array grayscale 8 bit image _run : int run identifier _camcol : int camera column identifier 1-6 _filter : str filter identifier (u,g,r,i,z) _field : int field identifier defaultxy : int default length of half of the total length of square sides filter_caps : dict dictionary (u,g,r,i,z) that defines the limiting magnitude under which objects are not erased maxxy: maximal allowed length of the half the length of square side, int pixscale: pixel scale. 1 pixel width represents pixscale arcsec. dxy: default side dimension of drawn rectangle. magcount: maximal allowed number of filters with differences of mag. greater than maxmagdiff. maxmagdiff: maximal allowed difference between two magnitudes. """ rows, cols, psfMag, petro90, objctype, types, nObserve, nDetect = \ read_photoObj(files.filename("photoObj", run=_run, camcol=_camcol, field=_field)) for i in range(len(rows)): x = int(cols[i][_filter]) y = int(rows[i][_filter]) if psfMag[i] and psfMag[i][_filter] < filter_caps[_filter]: diffs = [] a = [val for key, val in psfMag[i].items()] for j in range(len(a)): for k in range(j+1, len(a)): diffs.append(a[j]-a[k]) diffs = np.absolute(diffs) if magcount >= np.count_nonzero(diffs>maxmagdiff): dxy = defaultxy if petro90[i][_filter] > 0: dxy = int(petro90[i][_filter]/pixscale) + 10 if dxy > maxxy: dxy = defaultxy if nObserve[i] == nDetect[i]: img[x-dxy:x+dxy, y-dxy:y+dxy].fill(0.0) return img