Source code for lfd.analysis.profiles.samplers

import warnings
import inspect
import itertools
import os.path
import glob

import numpy as np

from lfd.analysis.profiles.convolutionobj import ConvolutionObject
from lfd.analysis.profiles import consts
from lfd.analysis.profiles.objectprofiles import *
from lfd.analysis.profiles.seeing import *
from lfd.analysis.profiles.defocusing import *
from lfd.analysis.profiles.convolution import *
from lfd.analysis.profiles import *

__all__ = ["generic_sampler",]

[docs]def generic_sampler(sources, instrument=None, seeingProfile=GausKolmogorov, seeingFWHM=None, defocusProfile=FluxPerAngle, returnType='profiles', testRun=False, ntest=10, **kwargs): """Convolves given source profile(s) with defocusing and seeing effects and returns a list of observed profiles and, optionally, a structured array of profile parameters. Parameters ---------- sources : `list` or `cls` List of classes or a single class that produces the object profile. instrument : `tuple` or `None` A tuple of diameters of primary and secondary mirrors of the used instrument in milimeters. See also `lfd.analysis.profiles.SDSS` or `lfd.analysis.profiles.LSST`. seeingProfile: `cls`, optional Class representing a seeing profile, by default `lfd.analysis.profiles.GausKolmogorov`. seeingFWHM: `list`, optional A list of full width half max values to use for seeing. If an instrument is LSST or SDSS and seeingProfile is provided will default to expected seeing FWHM or measured median seeing FWHM value respectively. See `lfd.analysis.profiles.LSSTSEEING` and `lfd.analysis.profiles.SDSSSEEING`. defocusProfile : `cls` Class representing a seeing profile, by default `lfd.analysis.profiles.FluxPerAngle`. returnType : `str` Chose values returned: profiles, grid measurements, or both by using "profiles", "grid" or "both" respectively. The default, `profiles`, returns a simple 1D list of profiles, `grid` also returns a 2D structured array containing input and resulting profile parameters. testRun : `bool` If true will print a table of ingoing arguments to the convolution function using the same combinations scheme. Usefull to verify whether the given convolution parameters actually match expected. ntests : `int` Number of sample points printed if testRun is True. **kwargs : `dict` Any additional provided keyword argument is used to create a Cartesian product of sample points which are then fed into the source, seeing and defocusing classes and convolved. Returns ------- convProfiles : `list` List of python objects representing the result of profile convolutions. convMeas : `np.array`, optional A structured numpy array containing any of the following: any keywords that are given are stored under the key in which they were given, source profile name `source`, seeing profile name `seeing`, defocus profile name `defocus`, seeing FWHM, `sfwhm`, defocused FWHM `dfwhm`, observed FWHM `ofwhm`, per-cent value of the depth of central dip of the observed profile `depth`. Examples -------- >>> convProfiles, convMeas = generic_sampler(sources=profiles.PointSource, sfwhm=s, h=h, returnType='grid') """ ######## # SANITIZE INPUT ######## sources = [sources] if inspect.isclass(sources) else sources instrument = consts.SDSS if instrument is None else instrument if seeingProfile is None: # order of parameters here matters for the final output combinations = itertools.product(*kwargs.values(), sources) else: # using sfwhm avoids keyword conflicts with fwhm's for profiles seeingFWHM = kwargs.pop('sfwhm', seeingFWHM) errmsg = ("Requested convolution with seeing but no seeing FWHM given. " "To skip seeing set seeingProfile to None, supply 'sfwhm' " "keyword or set the instrument to LSST or SDSS.") if seeingFWHM is None: if instrument == consts.SDSS: seeingFWHM = [consts.SDSSSEEING,] elif instrument == consts.LSST: seeingFWHM = [consts.LSSTSEEING,] else: raise ValueError(errmsg) # make sure seeingFWHM is iterable, otherwise combinations will fail elif isinstance(seeingFWHM, float): seeingFWHM = [seeingFWHM, ] else: raise ValueError(errmsg) combinations = itertools.product(*kwargs.values(), seeingFWHM, sources) ######## # DRY RUN ######## if testRun: stop = 0 tmplstr = ('%-10s ' * (len(kwargs)+1)).rstrip() print(tmplstr % (*kwargs.keys(), "source")) for v in combinations: print(tmplstr % v ) stop += 1 if stop > ntest: break return ######## # CONVOLUTIONS ######## convProfiles, sfwhm, dfwhm, ofwhm, depth = [], [], [], [], [] keys = kwargs.keys() for x in combinations: convargs, seeingfwhm, source = [], x[-2], x[-1] srckwargs = {k:v for k,v in zip(keys, x[:-2])} # convolve can't accept a None, so create args list of profiles # name the individual profiles so we can calc FWHMs on them if needed O = source(**srckwargs, instrument=instrument) convargs.append(O) if defocusProfile is not None: D = defocusProfile(**srckwargs, instrument=instrument) convargs.append(D) if seeingProfile is not None: srckwargs.pop('fwhm', None) S = seeingProfile(fwhm=seeingfwhm, **srckwargs) convargs.append(S) C = convolve(*convargs) convProfiles.append(C) # don't waste time if we don't need measurements if 'grid' in returnType: if seeingProfile: sfwhm.append(seeingfwhm) #sfwhm.append(S.calc_fwhm()) # if no seeing profile, the above convolutions FWHM is dfwhm, else # a new convolution is needed since the above will be ofwhm if defocusProfile and not seeingProfile: dfwhm.append(C.calc_fwhm()) elif defocusProfile: C1 = convolve(O, D) dfwhm.append(C1.calc_fwhm()) # ofwhm and depth should be a part of any measurement output ofwhm.append(C.calc_fwhm()) mid = C.obj[int(len(C.obj)/2)] diff = C.peak-mid depth.append(diff/C.peak*100.0) ######## # SANITIZE OUTPUT ######## if 'grid' in returnType or "both" in returnType: # Returned structured array has a column for each kwarg, i.e. each # function parameter iterated over, and leaves out parameters not # specifically iterated over. Order between keys and data matters and # it must match combinations above. First are kwargs (e.g height and # seeing), then various given profile names (a self-doc feature) and # then any of measurements (defocus and object FWHM and dept). This # order must be kept. This makes the following code a bit clumsy. # For zip in tuplegen to work correctly list len must match len of data # Ofwhm is guaranteed to exist, so that's what to use for padding len # First add a column for each kwarg addVals = [] dt = [(k, float) for k in keys] onames = [getattr(s, "__name__") for s in sources] if seeingProfile: dt.append(("sfwhm", float)) combinations = itertools.product(*kwargs.values(), seeingFWHM, onames) else: combinations = itertools.product(*kwargs.values(), onames) # Second, include a name col for each used profile class, source always # exists dt.append(("source", "<U12")) if seeingProfile: dt.append(("seeing", "<U14")) addVals.append([seeingProfile.__name__,]*len(ofwhm)) if defocusProfile: dt.append(("defocus", "<U12")) addVals.append([defocusProfile.__name__,]*len(ofwhm)) # Third, add a column for existing measurements keys = ('dfwhm', 'ofwhm', 'depth') vals = (dfwhm, ofwhm, depth) for k, v in zip(keys, vals): if len(v) > 0: dt.append((k, float)) addVals.append(v) # Fourth, structured arrays require a list of tuples. Combinations is a # list of tuples but addVals is a list of lists. Merge them to a list # of tuples. tuplegen = ((*a, *b) for a, *b in zip(combinations, *addVals)) # Finally, create a structured array and return convMeas = np.fromiter(tuplegen, dtype=dt, count=len(addVals[0])) if "both" in returnType: return np.array(convProfiles), convMeas return convMeas return np.array(convProfiles)