Source code for lfd.analysis.profiles.convolutionobj

import numpy as np
import warnings
from scipy import misc, signal, interpolate, stats

[docs]class ConvolutionObject: """Represents an object that can be convolved with other ConvolutionObjects or functions. Practical because the objects can be created with or without knowing their analytical expressions. ConvolutionObject can be instantiated from two arrays - scale and obj. Scale represents the "x-axis" and the obj array the function value at some x-coordinate. The function is then constructed by interpolating between the obj points. If an object's analytical light-curve is known then user can override the method 'f' such that it returns the value of the analytical expression at a given coordinate. Attributes ---------- obj : list, tuple or np.array brightness values of the object, its profile scale : list, tuple or np.array the "x" coordinates against which obj was evaluated, note that objects "center" (central maximal value) is generally centered on the 0 of the scale __guessf : np.interp1d the function used for interpolation in case analytical form is unknown scaleleft : float leftmost points of the scale scaleright : float rightmost points of the scale objleft : float rightmost points at which obj>0 objright : float rightmost points at which obj>0 step : float the difference between two scale points (fineness of the coordinates) name : str by default assigned to the class name instantiating this object. Useful to keep track of the function it represents but also for plotting. Parameters ---------- obj : list, tuple or np.array brightness values of the object, its profile scale : list, tuple or np.array the "x" coordinates against which obj was evaluated, note that objects "center" (central maximal value) is generally centered on the 0 of the scale """
[docs] @classmethod def fromConvolution(cls, obj, scale, name=None): """From given arrays obj and scale create a ConvolutionObject.""" if name is None: name = "convolved" lendiff = len(obj) - len(scale) half = int(lendiff/2) obj = obj[half:-half] if len(obj) > len(scale): obj = obj[:len(scale)] elif len(obj) < len(scale): tmp = np.zeros((len(scale), )) tmp[:len(obj)] += obj obj = tmp else: pass return ConvolutionObject(obj, scale, name=name)
def __init__(self, obj, scale, name=None): if name is None: = self.__class__.__name__ else: = name self.obj = obj self.scale = scale self.__guessf = interpolate.interp1d(scale, obj) self.update() def _guessf(self, r): """Estimates the value of the profile in new points r via interpolation when possible. Interpolation is only allowed within the scale range of the original scale used to create the object. Values outside that scale are assumed to be zero. Parameters ---------- r : `np.array` or `list` Scale on which the profile is to be evaluated. """ try: warnings.warn("Required value estimated by interpolation.") return self.__guessf(r) except ValueError: warnings.warn("Interpolation performed for value outside scale range. " "This can occur when extending profiles into tails of " "their distribution where they are assumed to be 0. " "Is this the case?") newobj = np.zeros(len(r)) overlap = (r>self.scaleleft) & (r < self.scaleright) newobj[overlap] += self.__guessf(r[overlap]) return newobj
[docs] def f(self, r=None): """Returns the value of the profile function at a point/array of points r. If analytical expression is not know interpolation between nearest points is attempted. If this occurs a warning is raised. """ return self._guessf(r)
[docs] def rescale(self, x, y=None, step=None): """Given a scale x recalculate the brightness values of obj over the new points. If only x and y are supplied, then a new scale is created with the new boundaries [x, y> and previously used step If x, y and step are provided then a new scale is created with new boundaries [x, y> where the distance between two points equals to step. """ if y is not None and step is not None: newscale = np.arange(x, y, step) elif y is not None and step is None: newscale = np.arange(x, y, self.step) else: newscale = x # must be called before update so that scaleleft and scaleright # remain unchanged from the original self.obj = self.f(newscale) self.scale = newscale self.update()
[docs] def update(self): """Check and update the scale left and rightmost points. Find the first and last coordinate at which object is still brighter than 0. Recalcualtes step. """ self.scaleleft = self.scale[0] self.scaleright = self.scale[-1] self.objleft = np.where(self.obj > 0.0)[0][0] self.objright = np.where(self.obj > 0.0)[0][0] self.step = self.scale[1]-self.scale[0] self.peak = self.obj.max()
[docs] def norm(self): """Renormalizes values so that maximal value is 1.""" self.obj = self.obj/self.peak self.peak = 1
def __str__(self): m = self.__class__.__module__ n = self.__class__.__name__ self.update() tmpstr = "<{0}.{1}(scale=[{2:.2}...{3:.2}], step={4:.3}, width={5}>" return tmpstr.format(m, n, self.scaleleft, self.scaleright, self.step, self.objright-self.objleft)
[docs] def calc_fwhm(self): """Calculates Full-Width-Half-Maximum of the object.""" if len(self.obj) != len(self.scale): errormsg = ("Expected len(obj) == len(scale) but got, " "len({0}) != len({1}) instead. Run rescale method " "for possible fix.") raise ValueError(errormsg.format(len(self.obj), len(self.scale))) #maxobj = max(self.obj) left = np.where(self.obj >= self.peak/2.)[0][0] right = np.where(self.obj >= self.peak/2.)[0][-1] if left == right: return 0.0 fwhm1 = self.scale[left] fwhm2 = self.scale[right] fwhm = abs(fwhm2) + abs(fwhm1) return fwhm